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We find ourselves in a very important time, uncertain times, a time of great reshaping.

The message I wish to share is that this is very good news.

As history demonstrates time and time again, humans are notoriously asleep in times of comfort. Our consciousness is so easily caught in the dream of Maya.

Yet unlike the fleeting decades of material and social stability, when what is real and true may be easily determined, times like this are an incredibly fertile atmosphere within which the transformation of human consciousness can take place.

When we can no longer determine what is true and what is not, the only way forward is to come back to one’s self. ​

...and ask the deeper questions.

The time us come for us as a collective to return inwards, to look inside for the answers to questions we have. Beyond that we must learn to trust.


What is being asked of us now is that we learn to trust ourselves.

For too long we have been told about our limitations as humans, now is the time to awaken to our true multidimensional nature and reclaim our sovereignty in all ways.

Now is the time to trust ourselves and our deeper knowing. Now is the time to trust the process, even when it looks really dark.

Especially when it looks really dark, we must learn to trust.

A New Vision

After all, what is a butterfly is not a caterpillar beyond it's wildest dreams?

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A New Vision
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DarPan is a musician, healer and counsellor. He travels extensively around the world delivering concerts, sound healing seminars and shamanic retreats. He is an inspirational speaker with a natural flair for embellishing talks with stories, anecdotes and rich personal experience. His passion is creating positive change by initiating vision and awakening new perspectives. DarPan is a living synthesis of his teachings whose work is infused with warmth, insight and humour. 


Born in the Netherlands, DarPan was raised in South Australia where he graduated with first class honours at Flinders University in Psychology and the Dramatic Arts. He spent his early years working as a professional actor in Theatre, TV and Film and was the founder/singer/songwriter for seminal rock band Die Laughing in the 80’s.


He studied Shaolin Martial Arts and Taoist Spiritual Tai Chi under Dr Tennyson Yiu in Sydney and went on to spend several years in Pune, India studying the art of Tantra and Meditation at Osho Commune International. Further studies include Transpersonal Psychology and the teachings of Dr Stanislav Grof. He is deeply influenced by Buddhist, Advaita and Taoist philosophy. 


In the late nineties he met author, raconteur and ethnobotanist Terence McKenna who introduced him to Ayahuasca. In the years that followed he lived and worked with various shamans and curanderos in South America, notably Yatra Silveira de Barbosa (Brasil), Don Jose Campos (Peru) and Don Casimiro Mamallacta (Ecuador)


He is renowned throughout Europe and in Australia as an accomplished teacher, musician and healer and for pioneering the ceremonial use of Ayahuasca in the West. A Recording Artist and a Sound Healer, DarPan's recordings Body of LightLoveLight, Temple of Glowing Sound (Part 1 & 2)Viva Medicina and Fly Away and more recent spoken word releases Peace Awakening and A New Vision have enjoyed international success in the emerging global spiritual and medicine music genres. 

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A New Vision - Darpan Reveals the Great Human Awakening Here Now

A New Vision - Darpan Reveals the Great Human Awakening Here Now

Darpan is a renowned spiritual teacher, qualified therapist, musician, healer and speaker. In this episode Darpan shares abundant, empowering and loving perspectives that can help everyone forever and ever! We talk in detail about how and when is the moment to awaken and discover who we truly are as divine, eternal and immortal human beings, and lockdown as a hard but necessary rebirth of humanity. He passionately shares the importance of nourishing yourself with love and care, and the importance of leaving your mind to a side. Furthermore, dive in and discover how to enter an eternal “now”, the jewel of self actualization and so much more! About Darpan Darpan is caring, encouraging and inspiring to many people around the globe. He lives in Australia and has more than thirty years of experience with music and healing to create a unique transmission that inspires, empowers and transforms. Darpan is an arts and music lover, and has travelled motivating many hearts all along the way. He is an incredible speaker that shares fascinating stories, anecdotal references and rich personal experience as well as a talented musician, experienced in sound healing and transformation. Tune In: Welcome Darpan!: (00:00:00) This Time of Awakening: (00:01:52) Darpan strongly believes that now, during lockdown, it is a potent moment for the human family in terms of consciousness. It is the time for a new discovery and a new perspective; the right time to face our fears and have an inner sight. “We are all part of this same planet going through a massive shift” Our role of Self Realization in a Collective Awakening: (00:10:49) Collective awakening can only happen if there is an individual awakening first. Darpan shares in detail what he means by individual awakening and the secrets to see the world with a whole new perspective. “Individual awakening must have a higher perspective that goes beyond the mind ” Self Love vs. Hedonism: (00:37:00) Darpan dives deeply into self love, and how loving yourself and feeling worthy have positive and the most fulfilling effects. “Take care of yourself first and when you are good overflow to the others” Meditation: (00:50:00) Darpan refers to the NOW as the result of the process or experience of one's inner arisings and highlights the efficacy of this process and the importance of this process to disconnect from the mind. Tune in and discover the power of meditation. “Detach from your mind and come to the truth of this moment and who you are” A Sacred Life of Service: (01:03:00) Dropping into our own truth to access the purpose of service Service is the crowning jewel of the human experience according to Darpan. In order to love others, first, you have to love yourself. Once you are fulfilled with love and begin to overflow, you naturally start to share and give love to others. “When you are truly in service to another, you get out of your own way” Connect with Darpan: Darpan’s Website: Facebook: Join the Inspired Evolution Community: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Website:
Darpan on Initiations & Rights of Passage (Our Cultural Voids) 🦋

Darpan on Initiations & Rights of Passage (Our Cultural Voids) 🦋

Darpan weaves 30 years of experience in music, healing and the shamanic arts creating a unique transmission that inspires, enlivens and transforms with an intention to create an unambiguous experience of our common Source. He weaves ceremony, song, meditation and celebration and his passion for creating positive change is guided through observation, deep self acceptance, exploration and an awakening of new perspectives. We are excited to have Darpan return for his second appearance on the podcast! In this episode he and Amrit discuss what it takes to be the master of your own story. Darpan offers guidance on finding a genuine mentor that will empower you on your journey forwards and shares how he met his guru, the enlightened mystic, Osho. They uncover the possibilities of self-initiation, our disconnect from rites of passage and its importance for our evolution. IN THIS EPISODE 02:27 - How to find a genuine mentor to support you through your journey / Darpan meets his guru, Osho 11:33 - Trusting your intuition in a time of spiritual charlatans 15:45 - Face fear & accept the cycles of life and it’s inevitable end 25:28 - The consequences that arise from our disconnect from rites of passages 30:37 - Reprogramming & breaking free our original sin origins 44:40 - How to self initiate. Is a collective society required? 55:33 - Connect with Darpan LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST Spotify: Apple Podcasts: CONNECT WITH DARPAN Website: Youtube: Instagram: Sound Cloud: Spotify: Apple Music: JOIN THE INSPIRED EVOLUTION COMMUNITY Website: https://www.inspiredevolution/ Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: KEEP EVOLVING! YEW
How To Accept Yourself On A Deep Level | Dar Pan #32 Simon Transparently Podcast

How To Accept Yourself On A Deep Level | Dar Pan #32 Simon Transparently Podcast

✩ LISTEN TO FULL PODCAST: ☖ SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL AND CLICK THE BELL TO KEEP UPDATED. We Have To Look At The Shadow, Those Unconscious Parts Which Need To Be Made Conscious. Hypnotised By The Illusions Of Security & Dependability. Trust In The Process Of Awakening. LISTEN / SUBSCRIBE TO PODCAST OF YOUR CHOICE: ▶ PODBEAN: ▶ SPOTIFY: ▶ APPLE: ▶ AMAZON: Dar Pan is an inspirational speaker and gifted musician weaving 30 years of experience in music, healing, and the shamanic arts to create a unique transmission that inspires, enlivens and transforms. Bringing people together to create an unambiguous experience of our common Source is the intention, which inspires his work. A skillful blend of ceremony, song, meditation and celebration are the means by which he achieves the goal. He spent several years studying the art of meditation in India with the enlightened mystic Osho, and later lived and worked with various shamans and healers in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. He is also deeply influenced by Tibetan Bhuddist and Taoist philosophy. More from DarPan; and on Soundcloud. ▶ Dar Pan: LIVING IN THE GIFT: All podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of unconditional giving and live by the motto: The more I give, the more I’ve got to give. You can contribute your gifts through the Website of Simon /gift/ CONNECT WITH SIMON ▶ Web: ▶ LinkTree: #podcast #awakening #divine #musician #darpan #acceptance
Awakening To A New Vision For Humanity | DarPan | STP #6

Awakening To A New Vision For Humanity | DarPan | STP #6

✩ FULL PODCAST: ☖ SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL AND CLICK THE BELL TO KEEP UPDATED. SPOTIFY: APPLE: The world is changing at such a rapid rate, it may soon be unrecognisable to most of us alive today. I am not sure I have had as much energy moving through me in one conversation as this one. I had been listenting to Dar Pans voice for several years through his audio transmission called "Metamorphosis, something deep within life is changing." and then his latest one in 2019 called "A New Vision, we live in extraordinary times." both these transmissions have been core anchors for me to navigate through the global awakening that has been my reality for the past 12 years and its currently at a very key stage in the evolution of humanity. I thoroughly recommend diving into these and reading the transcripts I have shared on the links above. Darpan is a neo-shaman and urban mystic. He travels extensively around the world delivering concerts, sound healing seminars and shamanic retreats. He is a living synthesis of his teachings and is an inspirational speaker and gifted musician. He spent several years studying the art of Meditation in India with Osho, an enlightened mystic and later lived and worked with various shamans and healers in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. Further studies include Transpersonal Psychology and the teachings of Dr. Stanislav Grof. He is also deeply influenced by Tibetan Bhuddist and Taoist philosophy. In his presentations he weaves together 30 years of experience in consciousness research, vibrational healing and the shamanic arts, creating a unique transmission that enlivens and transforms. Darpan is a spontaneous and engaging speaker with a natural flair for embellishing his talks with interesting stories, anecdotal references and rich personal experience. He delivers a wealth of information within a context which inspires and motivates. His passion is creating positive change by initiating vision and awakening new perspectives. ✩ DAR PAN ▶ DarPan: ▶ A New Vision Temple Step: ▶ DarPan Soundcloud: ▶ YouTube DarPan Music LISTEN / SUBSCRIBE TO PODCAST OF YOUR CHOICE: ▶ PODBEAN: ▶ APPLE: ▶ SPOTIFY: CONNECT WITH SIMON ▶ Web: ▶ LinkTree:
Peace Awakening

The truth is that a better society will only arise through the evolution of the individual.

This is because society is made up of millions of individuals.

To count to a million, one has to start with number one, which means one has to start with the individual, the only real place one can actually begin to change something.

This doesn't mean putting oneself first in an egotistical way, but rather it involves our coming to understand the condition of the whole of humanity through understanding our own experience.

With this experience as our guide, we will know how to behave with awareness in any circumstance in every type of society.

Namkhai Norbu


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Western Science is approaching a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions, one that will change our concepts of reality and of human nature, bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science, and reconcile the differences between Eastern spirituality and Western pragmatism.


Stanislav Grof


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© All Rights Reserved. Dar Pan, 2021
Artist Credits Daniel Cosmic, Pete Robbins, Louisa Seeton, Arterium & Fiona Louise
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